Submit your final abstract revision to

We will publish the proceedings of conference abstracts online. Please read the following guideline carefully and prepare a final revision of your abstract. This guideline follows the one used in DH2017.

When preparing a final version of your submission, please keep in mind that the abstracts will not be thoroughly copy-edited. In particular, this applies to grammar, spelling and bibliographies. Please make sure, then, that you submit a carefully-proofread revision. Even if we plan to cross-check the abstracts for typographic and bibliographic consistency, it will not be aimed at introducing any major changes.

Below, we briefly address the most important elements of style. This list is not exhaustive, nevertheless following the guidelines will solve several potential issues, and it will help to prepare the Book of Abstracts on time. We reserve the right to refuse an abstract (and by extension the conference presentation or workshop) until it conforms reasonably to these guidelines. One very important point: please keep styling to an absolute minimum as most styling will be stripped anyway to conform to the collection.

1. General remarks

1.1. The word limit for abstracts is 1,000 words, exclusive of references. Abstracts which exceed this limit will be returned.
1.2. Images should be supplied at 300 dpi and uncompressed where possible. Screenshots will normally be the only exception, and these should be supplied at the highest possible resolution. Acceptable formats include TIFF, JPEG and PNG.
1.3. Please keep in mind that abstract may be printed in black and white. Do not include colour formatting in your text, and please select your images with this in mind.
1.4. Conference organizers will accept final copy submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or the OpenDocument Text (.odt) format only.

To submit your final copy of the abstract, log in to using your username and password. Please confirm that you will present in the contribution of acceptance (long paper, short paper, poster).

When it comes to the bibliographic style and other formatting issues, please ensure that you use minimal styling (as most styling will be stripped) and use headers for sections. Please be consistent in terms of your bibliographic format.

2. Typescript text

2.1. For the sake of interoperability, any mathematical formulae should be included as images.
2.2. Please use double quotation marks (double inverted commas) to “quote someone’s words,” italics are restricted to indicate titles (e.g. Roman van Walewein). To emphasize particular words or phrases, use bold font; try not to overuse emphasizing, though.
2.3. Put periods and commas into quotation marks, as in the example immediately above.
2.4. In section headings, do not capitalize main words (e.g. Texts used in this study). No full stop should be used at the end of the heading.
2.5. No full stop should be used at the end of Figures’ captions.

3. Bibliographic references

3.1. In principle, bibliographic references should follow a variant of the Harvard bibliographic system as used by the Digital Scholarship in the Humanities journal:
3.2. We are fully aware of the challenges of creating correct bibliographies: Remembering where to put commas and where parentheses, deciding where to italicize the titles where to put them into double quotes – it might be frustrating, and usually is. Please try to be diligent so that your final contribution is as clean as possible.
3.3. We skip an introduction to Zotero here; there are tons of relevant materials on-line, e.g. here or here.
3.4. A dedicated style definition for DH conferences can be found here. After downloading, double click the file to have it installed. Activate the style in Zotero and complete writing your manuscript. The above style definition is written in the CSL language, so that it can be used in other reference managers.
3.5. If you prefer to include the references manually, please read carefully the following instructions, and double-check your manuscript for consistency. In particular, check whether any references are missing.
3.6. Do not use footnotes for references (or for anything else). Instead, put your references in parenthesis, adding a comma between the name and the year (Hoover, 2007). Page numbers, if applicable, should be preceded by a colon (Pennebaker, 2011: 145); works published by two co-authors should be referencedusing “and” rather than “&” (Sinclair and Rockwell, 2014), works by more than two authors should be shortened using “et al.” (Baayen et al., 1996: 125).
3.7. In any bibliographic style, there are countless possible variants of particular entries (for a monograph, for unpublished archive materials, for a critical edition, and so forth). However, we propose to consider the following rule of thumb. In principle, Digital Humanities scholars usually deal with oneof five major types of publications: (1) a book, (2) an article in a journal, (3) a chapter in a book, (4) an abstract in conference proceedings, (5) a web resource. Other types of publications are basically derived from these four variants. In your References section, pay special attention to these four types of publications, and adjust the other types accordingly:

Baayen, H., Halteren, H. van and Tweedie, F. (1996). “Outside the cave of shadows: using syntactic annotation to enhance authorship attribution.” Literary and Linguistic Computing, 11(3): 121–32.
Hoover, D. (2007). “Quantitative analysis and literary studies.” In Schreibman, S. and Siemens, R. (eds), A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Blackwell, pp. 517–33.
Pennebaker, J. W. (2011). The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say about Us. New York: Bloomsbury Press.
Sinclair, S. and Rockwell, G. (2014). “Towards an archaeology of text analysis tools.” Digital Humanities 2014: Conference Abstracts. Lausanne: EPFL and UNIL, pp. 359–60.

3.8. Please keep in mind that regardless of the type of referenced material, a bibliographic entry begins with bold font, followed by a year in parentheses and a full stop. Then goes the title followed by another full stop. In journals, the title and the issue are separated by a comma. Also, please mind a difference between indicating pages for journals and for book chapters. Page ranges are abbreviated so that at least two digits are kept in the second number when it has two or more digits. Yes, it is extremely complicated–hence please consider using Zotero.

4. Contact

Should you have any questions about formatting and abstract submissions, please address them to the organizers: conf2020 [at]

5. Registration

Registration is required for

  1. at least one of the authors of accepted papers and posters
  2. all panel speakers
  3. presenting co-authors at the conference

6. Detailed instructions for presenters

The Day 1 and Day 2 Zoom meetings will be opened one hour before the first event. Please make sure to check the time (including timezone) for your presentation in the programme. The main session will be held in Room 1. Participants are free to move from the main room to the session room. All participants will be muted by default.

In addition to the main session Zoom meeting, there will be a “JADH2020 Break Room” meeting held in parallel, where participants are free to discuss other topics.

All information needed to join the sessions will be relayed using email.

While specific guidance for paper and poster type presentation is provided in the subsections below, the following instructions are common to all presenters:

Presentation and Panel Sessions

Presentation time:

  • Long papers: 20 minute presentation (plus 10 minutes for questions)
  • Short papers: 10 minute presentation (plus 5 minutes for questions)

Poster Session

Posters should preferably be in landscape format to accommodate most viewers’ screens.

To keep tradition with past years, we will have a short “poster slam” at the beginning of the session where presenters will have the opportunity to introduce their posters for one minute. After the poster slam, presenters will be assigned to their own groups from where they can screen share their poster and interact with interested participants.


Please refer to the standard guidelines for session chairs provided by the ADHO for a general definition of the role. However, as this is an online conference, we provide the following detailed guidance on how to run the sessions:

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Zoom (for improved breakout room functionality) and that your camera and microphone are working.
  • Chairs should join the Zoom meeting at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the session.
  • Chairs will be given co-host status by the host or other co-hosts, so that they can unmute participants and give co-host status to presenters.
  • Before the session begins, the chair should check that each speaker is present and has working audio and video (screen share) by giving them co-host status.
  • After a session ends, the chair should give a short reminder of time of the next session.

For further information on how Breakout Rooms and screen sharing works, refer to the following help pages: